O traducere in engleza va rog :
Ea merge intotdeauna cu biblia la scoala, se imbraca foarte modest si larg , motiv pentru care colegii radeau mereu de ea . Fiind fata de preot, aceasta a invatat de mica sa fie buna cu cei din jurul ei. La un moment dat, London , unul dintre cei mai populari baieti dintr-un liceu din Beaufort, a fost obligat de directorul scolii sa sa joace in piesa scolii, activitate in care e implicata si Jamie. Cu aceasta ocazie , London ajunge sa se indragosteasca de Jamie si sa o ajute in diverse activitati , cum ar fi mersul de Craciun la orfelinate pentru a darui cadouri copiilor. Intr-un final , London afla ca prietena lui este bolnava de leucemie. Afland acestea, London, incearca sa ii implineasca toate visele fetei. Intr-un final , se casatoresc, Jamie moare, iar baiatul ramane cu suferinta.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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She always goes to school with the Bible, very modest dresses and wide, which is why she always laughing colleagues. Being a priest, this girl has learned to be good little with those around them. At one point, London, one of the most popular guys in high school in Beaufort, was forced by the Director of his school to play in the school song, the activity involved and Jamie. On this occasion, London gets to fall in love with Jamie and help in various activities, such as riding a Christmas at orphanages to give gifts to children. In the end, London finds out that his girlfriend is sick of leukemia. Knowing this, London, tries to fulfill all her dreams. Eventually, they marry, Jamie dies and the boy stays with suffering.
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Răspuns de
She always goes to school with the Bible, she dresses very modest and wide, which is why her colleagues always laugh of her. Being the daughter of a priest, this girl has learned from childhood to be good with those around her. At one point, London, one of the most popular guys in high school in Beaufort, was forced by the Director of his school to play in the school play, activity in which Jamie was involved. On this occasion, London gets to fall in love with Jamie and help with various activities, such as going at orphanages for Christmas to give gifts to children. In the end, London finds out that his girlfriend is sick of leukemia. Knowing this, London, tries to fulfill all of her dreams. Eventually, they marry, Jamie dies and the boy remains with the suffering.
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