Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuliacretu07, 9 ani în urmă

Write the questions to each answers. Ask for the underlined part.
a) Who did you go on holiday with?
I went on holiday WITH MY PARENTS.
b)Where is the train station?
The train station is IN FRONT OF THE SUPERMARKET.
c).Why haven't you done your homework?
I haven't done my homework BECAUSE I WASN'T FEELING WELL.
d) When is your campany going to develop a new sistem?
My company is going to develop a new sistem NEXT YEAR.
e) What should you study in the future?
I would like to study MEDICINE in the future.
f)Do you like watching comedy?
Pentru alea "subliniate" de care de pomeneste in enunt eu am scris cu caps lock. Multumesc anticipat!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de milky1192

a) unde ai mers cu parintii?

b)ce e in fata supermarketului?

c) ce nu ai facut pt ca te simteai rau?

d) ce se va intampla anul viitor?

e) cine va studia la medicina?

f) cui ii place sa se uite la comedii?

milky1192: where did you go with your parents?
milky1192: what is in front of the supermarket?
milky1192: what did you not do while you where sick?
milky1192: what is going to happen in an year
milky1192: who is going to study medicine?
milky1192: who likes whatching comedy?
milky1192: atat
iuliacretu07: ok, ai coroana
milky1192: yay
milky1192: ms
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