Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexboss91, 8 ani în urmă

om nevoie de o compunere cu titlul o zi cu starul meu preferat in engleza 10 randuri

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ella5076
A day with mai favorite star!
I was in London and all of a sudden I met Justin Bieber. I was very happy to see him because he is my favorite star. I love all the songs. I went to him and asked him if he could give me an autograph and if we could take a picture together. he told me I was lucky and had the opportunity to stay with him all day. we went to the cinema, walked around the city, drank together, and at the end we took some pictures. it was a wonderful day.
(Am zis JB la misto, poți pune alt nume)
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