Engleza, întrebare adresată de Costizr, 8 ani în urmă

b. Rewrite the following extract
using more formal language.
You can use the prompts to help
• suggest that • (to) help us
• not only ... but (he) also
• has experience in this type of thing
• confident that willing
• in addition to • has offered (to)
• join us • finish the work
• very quickly
Tell you what, why don't we ask
Marco if he'll give us a hand? He's got
a car and he's done stuff like this
before. I'm sure he'll be only too happy
to help (especially if we offer him some
money for petrol!). Apart from Marco,
my brother says he'll come along. With
four of us, we'll get the job done in no

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



I suggest that we should ask  Marco to help us. Not only has he got  a car, but he also has experience in this type of thing. I'm confident that he is willing to help (especially if we offer him some  money for petrol!). In addition to Marco,  my brother has offered to join us. With  four of us, we'll finish the work very quickly ...



  • tell you what, why don't we - I suggest that we should
  • if he'll give us a hand - to help us
  • he's got  a car and he's done - Not only has he got  a car, but he also
  • he's done stuff like this - has experience in this type of thing.
  • I'm sure - I'm confident
  • he'll be only too happy  to help - that he is willing to help
  • apart from - in addition to
  • my brother says he'll come along -  my brother has offered to join us
  • we'll get the job done - we'll finish the work
  • in no time - very quickly


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