Engleza, întrebare adresată de sofilomhollandks, 8 ani în urmă

Please! Answer to this two questions in different sentences!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cristinaioana208


1. In my opinion, april and may have the best weather, because it's not too cold and not too hot .

2. No, I'm not bothered by rain ,i think it's amazing when it rains .

sofilomhollandks: Multumeeeesc
Răspuns de nicu252

In my opinion, summer months have the best weather, because then is enough warm.

(Dupa opinia mea, lunile de vara au cea mai buna vreme, deoarece atunci este destul de cald)

No, because rain have positive impact on my mood.

(Nu, pentru ca ploaia are impact positiv asupra starii mele de spirit)

sofilomhollandks: Merci
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