Please!!Help me!!Va rog!O reteta de gatit gaina la cuptor in engleza!!!Va rog ajutatima!!!the grilled poultry!!Please!!
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Am avut eu ca tema acum ceva zile, poftim:
A chicken with a corresponding size for you oven
A cup of rice
A medium onion
1 carrot
1/2 red pepper (1/2 se citeste A HALF OF )
250 grams of mushrooms
50 ml white wine
4 chicken livers
2 spoons of almonds
1 spoon of oil
1 spoon of butter
To grease the chicken, we need:
salt and pepper
3 spoons of oil
One spoon of honey
One teaspoon paprika
One teaspoon cinnamon
METHOD : Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and chop the pepper into small cubes, we do the same with mushrooms.Add 3 spoons of oil into a pan and fry the onions, carrots and peppers (cc 10 minutes). Add the mushrooms and let it cook for about 3-5 minutes.Add the white wine and cook until is evaporated. Season them with salt and pepper. Take the vegetables and put them in a bowl. In the same pan, fry the livers, then cut them into small pieces and add them over the vegetables. Add parsley and almonds as you like.Fill the chicken with the composition and then sew it well. Before put it in the oven, grease it well with a composition of honey, oil, paprika, cinnamon, pepper and salt. We just have to add it in the oven, leave it for 1 hour and then it is ready to eat. Bon appetite!
P.S. Daca vrei si varianta in romana, anunta-ma :)
A chicken with a corresponding size for you oven
A cup of rice
A medium onion
1 carrot
1/2 red pepper (1/2 se citeste A HALF OF )
250 grams of mushrooms
50 ml white wine
4 chicken livers
2 spoons of almonds
1 spoon of oil
1 spoon of butter
To grease the chicken, we need:
salt and pepper
3 spoons of oil
One spoon of honey
One teaspoon paprika
One teaspoon cinnamon
METHOD : Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and chop the pepper into small cubes, we do the same with mushrooms.Add 3 spoons of oil into a pan and fry the onions, carrots and peppers (cc 10 minutes). Add the mushrooms and let it cook for about 3-5 minutes.Add the white wine and cook until is evaporated. Season them with salt and pepper. Take the vegetables and put them in a bowl. In the same pan, fry the livers, then cut them into small pieces and add them over the vegetables. Add parsley and almonds as you like.Fill the chicken with the composition and then sew it well. Before put it in the oven, grease it well with a composition of honey, oil, paprika, cinnamon, pepper and salt. We just have to add it in the oven, leave it for 1 hour and then it is ready to eat. Bon appetite!
P.S. Daca vrei si varianta in romana, anunta-ma :)
sare si piper
3 linguri de ulei
1 lingura de miere
1 lingurita de boia dulce
1 lingurita de scortisoara
Se stinge totul cu vinul alb si se fierbe pana se evapora. Se condimenteaza cu sare si piper negru. Se scot legumele intr-un vas.
Umplem puiul cu compozitia iar apoi il coasem bine. Inainte de al baga la cuptor, il ungem bine cu o compozitie din miere, ulei, boia dulce, scortisoara , piper si sare. Mai ramane sa-l bagam la cuptor, il lasam 1 ora iar apoi este gata de mancat. Pofta buna!
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