Engleza, întrebare adresată de xda2727, 8 ani în urmă

Pls am nevoie urgent!Dau COROANA !​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laraandreeaa


  1. I asked him where was Mary.
  2. Bill asked me what was my favourite book.
  3. The teacher asked how many planets are there in our galaxy.
  4. She asked tom if he liked pizza.
  5. Ted asked me if I could help him move the table.
  6. Kim asked Bob if he would pick up some milk on his way home.
  7. he asked if I had got any pets.
  8. Meg wondered where has she put her new gloves.
  9. Mum asked who had broken the vase.
  10. He asked her what time has she arranged to meet Ron?


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