Engleza, întrebare adresată de costisnicolae22, 8 ani în urmă

plz urgent plz 50 coroane​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefancaraus44


My friend Alan has got an unusual hobby - he loves old films . We offen go to the cinema together at the weekend and we like watching modern films, But Alan's favourite films are the old black and white ones from the 1930s and 1940s . He watches them and reads about them all the time. I really enjoy talking to him about films , because he knows a lot about them and he teaches me a lot. Alan doesn't play football and he hates computer games, so some people think he's a bit strange. But it's good to be different, and i think hes a very interesting person.

Sper ca team ajutat asa cum si tu mai ajutat❤️❤️

stefancaraus44: Ai putea sa ma ajuti si la cealalta intrebare a mea ? te rog uitate la mine pe cont
stefancaraus44: Plz
stefancaraus44: Am evaluare si nustiu cum
stefancaraus44: Te rog ajutama la intrebarile.mele
Răspuns de LadyMarmelade
1) cinema
2) like
3) watches
4) talking
5) teaches
6) doesn’t
7) games
8) different
9) person

Mult succes!
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