Engleza, întrebare adresată de Guess, 10 ani în urmă

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,, Filmul meu preferat este ,,The Hunger Games".In acest film este forba despre 12 districte.Acestea au fost formate in urma unui razboi de rebeliune. In fiecare an se aleg un baiat si o fata din fiecare district care sunt trimisi in capitala pentru a face parte la jocurile foametei din care doar unul castiga si ceilalti mor. Din distictul 12 nu a castigat  inca nimeni. In acest an au fost alesi Peta si Katiness, care pe parcursul jocului se indragostesc unul de altul. Iar sefii jocului au anuntat ca pot castiga  2 doar daca sunt din acelasi district. Aceasta veste le da forta celor doi si ajung ultimii doi, dar in acel moment se anunta ca din nou poate castiga doar unul. Iar ei nu au vrut sa se lupte intre ei asa ca au hotarat sa se otraveasca amandoi. Atunci sefii, speriati ca nu vor avea un castigator, ii opresc si ii numesc castigatorii JOCURILOR FOAMETEI.Deci pot spune ca s-a terminat cu bine! Asa ca va urez tuturor jocuri al foametei fericite si fie ca sorti sa fie mereu de partea voastra!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
My favorite movie is ' The Hunger Games '.This movie is about forba 12 districts.They were formed as a result of a war of rebellion. Every year I choose a boy and a girl from each district that are sent to the capital to participate in the hunger games just one win and the others die. The distictul still won 12. This year were chosen Peta and Katiness, who throughout the game fall in love with each other. And the game's bosses announced they can win only if 2 are from the same district. This news gives strength to those two and get the last two, but at the moment it is announced that again may win only one. And they didn't want to fight among themselves so they decided to otraveasca the both of us. Then bosses, fearful that there will be a winner, stop and call the winners of the GAMES.So I can say that it ended with good!
Răspuns de rikisirena1
My favourite movie is " The Hunger Game " . This movie it's about twelve(12)  districts . They have been formed after a war of rebellion . In every year they choose a boy and a girl from each district and they are send to the capital to take part  at Hunger Games where only one can win and the others die .  From district twelve nobody wins yet . This year Peeta and Katiness were choosen  , but during the games they fall in love each other . But bosses of the game have said they that two can win if they are at the same district . This news give them hope and they get the last two but suddenly they say that only one can win .  They did not want to  fight each other so they decidet to poison both  .  Then the bosses , scared that they will not have a winner they stopped them and called them the winners of Hunger Games . So I can say that it was a happy end! So I wish you happy Hunger Games and  be the sorts be always on your side ! Poftim :*
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