Engleza, întrebare adresată de calaretul213, 8 ani în urmă

Poate cineva sa-mi traduca in engleza??? va rog,dau coroana!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de danialboiu

1. In this holiday i decided together with my parents to go to Brazil. 2. For this trip i took some classes of portuguese, the national language of this republic. 3. We had the accomodation at a brazilian family, where we learnt how to cook traditional food. My favourite food is Feljoada. It is a stew with black beans, rice and pork.4. We also attended the famous carnival of rio de janeiro that lasted 4 days. I was extremely amazed by the millions of people that came to see the show. It was memorable thanks to the explosion of  colors and lights . 5. I will never forget this amazing trip to Brazil. I hope to go there again.

Răspuns de victosof30

1)In this vacation I decided with my parents to Make a trip in Brazil .

2)For this trip I documented a Little for every field , but especially I started to have portughese lessons , the official language of this republic.

3)we stayed at a authentic brazilian family who have familiarized us with local culture and who fascinated us with the best food .My favourite was Feljoada , a stew made with black beans , rice and pork .

4)The organization of The trip was perfect , because we attended at The famous " Rio de Janeiro Carnival" , that took four days. I was very impresioned to see The milion of people at this Carnival. The explosion of color and light made this event a memorable one.

5) I WILL never forget that fascinant trip in Brazil , which I Hope to repeat soon.

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