Engleza, întrebare adresată de geo736, 8 ani în urmă

Present Tense- simple or progressive fill in the correct form.
1. Susan......to her parents every time the ball.....in the garden (break, land)
2. Where is Kelvin? He ..... tennis with Sue. (play)
3. Hurrt up, the teacher..... to begin ( wait )
4. I ..... a word Tim says (not believe)
5. What .... do for a living? (you, do)
6. Look! She .....in the non-smoking area (smoke)
7. We ..... our break now, Mr. Smith (take)
8. The well-known actor .... a lor of fan mail (get)
9. Dorothy..... to read a good novel , in her holidays (love)
10. My brother ..... Italy the very moment U speak (tour)
11. Such bad behaviour ..... me mad (make)
12. She..... by train to Liverpool today (depart) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Iris587
breaks,lands,is playing,is waiting,am not believing, do you do,is smoking,are taking, gets, loves,??, is departing

geo736: Mulțumeesscc
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