Engleza, întrebare adresată de AncaDiaa, 9 ani în urmă

Pune replicile in ordine:
C:Hello, would buy like I dome to supplies school.
S:Yes,I what get can you?
C:Ten would I like copybooks.
S:Are here you.Do anything need you else?
C:Yes,fountain cartridges some pen and a ink.
S:Go you here. These very quality good are .
C:Please and me some get brushes paint,to.
S:You here are. Cost £18.70 everything.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SmartGIRL12
C: Hello, I would like to buy some school supplies.
S: Yes, what can I get you?
C: I would like ten copybooks.
S: Here you are. Do you need anything else?
C:Yes, some cartridges and a fountain pen ink.
   (Yes, a fountain pen ink and some cartridges.)
S: Here you go. These are very good quality.
C: Please get me some brushes and paint, too.
S: Here you are. Everything cost £18.70.
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