Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandraml, 8 ani în urmă

Put the following sentences into the reported speech: 1. "I can't live on my basic salary." She said I 2. "I'm going away tomorrow." Mark said 3. "She will drive Mary to the airport tonight." He said I 4. "You can keep this coat because I'm not cold." Her boyfriend said [ 5. "I didn't steal the money." The boy said 6. "We went to the cinema last week." Sue said 7. "The sales are starting tomorrow." She said I 8. "I won't do the essay now She said 9. "I've made a terrible mistake." He said 10. "Why are you so happy?" I asked 11. "What are you doing tonight?" He asked 12. "How old are you?" ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iftimiebiancaandreea


1. She said she can't live on her basic salary.

2. Mark said he's going away tomorrow.

3. He said she would drive Mary to the airport tonight.

4. Her boyfriend said she could keep the coat because he's not cold.

5. The boy said he didn't steal the money.

6. Sue said they went to the cinema last week.

7. She said the sales are starting tomorrow.

8. She said she won't do the essay now.

9. He said he's made a terrible mistake.

10. I asked why is he so happy.

11. He asked what Im doing tonight.

12. He asked how old i am.

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