Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

深 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous, then choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 Samuel ..... (lie) in bed when/while he ...... (hear) a noise. 2 1............ (watch) television when/during the lights ...... .... (go out). 3 Betty ..... (sing) so/while her sister Cecilia ... (play) the piano. 4 Naomi .... (wear) her smart new suit as/and she (carry) her new leather briefcase. 5 ........... 1 (burn) my hand while/during (cook) the evening meal. 6 Ben (ask) me to go with him to the doctor's, but/so I ....... ..... (go). 7 The cat ..... ..... (have) her kittens while/ during the night when everyone (sleep). 8 ...... (knock) at your door last night, as/but I think you ..... (be) asleep.​

PopcornCuArahide: fa te rog o poza la ex ca nu se intelege.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de PopcornCuArahide

1) lay

2) was hearing

3) was watching

went out

was singing


4) was wearing


5) was burning

6) asked


7) was having


8) was knocking


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