Engleza, întrebare adresată de MihaB, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous or the past simple.
Ann Baker ... (graduate) from the law school in 1962 but she ... (never/work) as a lawyer. She ... (decide) to become a science fiction writer because she always ... (find) stories about other planets fascinating. Ann ... (write) books for more than fifteen years and so far she ... (publish) eleven books. She ... (receive) many awards and one of her books ... (become)a best seller in 1975. For the last six months Ann ... (work) on her latest novel which is about a young couple who travel to Pluto.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xCriiistina
she has never worked
she has decided 
she always have been finding
ann has written
she has published.
she has been receiving
ann has worked
Răspuns de Pontoș
Graduated; never worked; decided; found; wrote; (has) published; (has) received; became; (has) worked. *Pune has dacă dorești. Dacă trebuie să pui has, atunci pune-l.
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