Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeagabriela1400, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
Write in your notebook.
1. A: Does Eva usually tidy (Eva/usually/tidy) the house in the morning?
B: Yes, but she ... (shop) at the farmers' market at the moment.
2. A: ... (your dad/drive) to work every day?
B: Not always. This week, he ... (take) the train into the city because the
traffic is bad.
3. A: 1 ... (not/go) out tonight. I... (study) for my History exam.
B: That's a pity! We ... (watch) a film at the cinema tonight.
4. A: Who ... (you/wait) for?
B: James. We ... (visit) the aquarium later!
5. A: What time ... (Jill/leave) for school?
B: She ... (always/leave) at 8:00.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



A: Does Eva usually tidy the house in the morning?

B: Yes, but she is shopping at the farmers' market at the moment.


A: Does your dad drive to work every day?

B: Not always. This week, he is taking the train into the city because the

traffic is bad.


A: I am not going out tonight. I am studying for my History exam.

B: That's a pity! We are watching a film at the cinema tonight.


A: Who are you waiting for?

B: James. We are visiting the aquarium later!


A: What time does Jill leave for school?

B: She always leaves at 8:00.​


Știați că ...

  • Present Tense Simple se folosește pentru a exprima:

- situații permanente:

Andrei lives in Brașov.

- obiceiuri şi lucruri pe care le facem cu regularitate:

I drink a cup of coffee every morning.

  • Present Tense Continuous se folosește pentru a exprima:

- lucruri care se întâmplă în momentul vorbirii:

The water is boiling now, so I can make a tea.

- planuri de viitor clar definite/stabilite:

I‘m seeing Daniel this evening.


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