Engleza, întrebare adresată de fdzsbaizvwlain, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or
John: Hello, Gary. Where 1). are you going.. (you/go)?
Gary: To the sports centre. I've got football practice. Our team
2) ...
(go) to France next
John: Oh, that 3)
(be) great!
How 4)
(you/get) there?
Gary: We 5)
(travel) by ferry. It
(leave) at 5 o'clock on
Wednesday morning.
John: How long 7)
(you/stay) in
Gary: For about a week. We 8)
(have) four games to play. The first
one 9)
(start) at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon and the last
one 10)
(finish) at 5 o'clock the following Tuesday.
John: Do you think you 11)
Gary: Of course. Well, I have to go now. The coach 12)
(get) angry it
I'm late for training. I 13)
(tell) you all about it when I
(get) back.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bigmacmcdonaldskfc

2) will go

3) would be

4) will you get

5) will travel

6) will leave

7) will you stay

8) will have

9) will start

10) will finish

11) will win

12) will get

13) will tell

14) will get

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