Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisacristina1, 9 ani în urmă

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In mod obisnuit ne petrecem sfarsitul de saptamana intr-un sat din apropierea Bucurestiului. De data asta ramanem acasa pentru ca asteptam niste musafiri.
Totdeauna se intampla acelasi lucru. Cand ia banii se duce la cumparaturi si vine acasa cu o gramamda de fleacuri .
Baietelul cel mic al vecinei mele are 3 ani, parul blond, ochii albastri, ii plac  foarte mult dulciurile, ursuletii si cand il intrebi cum il cheama el iti raspunde :"Am 3 ani."

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IulianSls
Commonly we spend our weekend in a village near Bucharest .
This time we stay home because we wait for some guests .
Same thing always happens. When get the money is going at shopping and comes home with a lot of stuff .
My neighbor's little boy is 3 years old with blond hair , blue eyes , he like sweets , teddy bears and when you ask him hes name he responds : " I three years "

IulianSls: Scuze ca a durat atat...mancam :DD
Răspuns de AliceTratton
We normally spend the weekend in a village in the outskirts of Bucharest. This time we stayed home because we are expecting some guests. It always happens the same thing. When he gets the money he goes shopping and comes home with a bunch of nothings.  My neighbor's little boy is 3 years old, has blond hair, blue eyes, he likes sweets and teddy bears very much and when you ask him what his name is he responds saying "I am 3"

Succcesssss :3
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