Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Rapundeti la intrebari . Macar 2 propozitii de fiecare .


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Razvan1822
1.Two of the most known hobbies among youngsters are playing and reading (poti sa faci 2 prop din asta)
2.Asta nu stii scuze daca vrei imi dai mesaj cu prop in romana si ti le zic in eng
3.The things that make soccer one of the most favourite recreational activities are the that it can be competitive and it is very fun
4.Students need to read books so they can aknowledge the information in them and learn about new stuff
5.By visiting other countries you can learn about the past the country had and about the monuments that have been built succes

Utilizator anonim: Multumesc mult !!
Razvan1822: Cp:)
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