Engleza, întrebare adresată de school08, 8 ani în urmă

Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari,(raspunsul este in textul din imagine si este jumatate din intrebarea pusa)
1).Why did Smith receive so much food from the Indians?
2).How was Smith going to be killed?
3).Who saved Smith and how?
4).Why did Pocahontas want to save Smith?
ofer coroana

Ofer coroana! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alina2634

1) Smith received a lot of food from the Indians in exchange for weapons and cannons.

2) Nuştiu cum să răsund la această întrebare.

3) Smith was saved by Pocahontas the most beloved daughter of the captain, fled them quickly to him, took his head in his hand, and put his own over protecting him.

4) Pocahontas saved Smith because she believed that people could live together, even if they had different cultures.

school08: Mersi mult !
school08: nu merge momentan sa iti dau coroana dar ti o voi da maine
alina2634: Cu plăcere
alina2634: Bine nici o problemă
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