Engleza, întrebare adresată de alyalyna30, 8 ani în urmă

Read and circle.
1 I'm Tom. This is(my) your friend Oliver.
2 The clowns are funny. Our / Their noses are red.
3 Evelyn is my sister. Her / Their eyes are blue.
4 This dog is funny. Its / Your legs are very short
5 This is my brother. His / Her name is Steven.
6 We are happy My / Our grandma is here.
7 Mark is happy Its / His bike is new
8 You aren't dirty Your / Their T-shirt is clean.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de claudia287

2. their


4. its

5. his

6. our

7. his

8. your

Răspuns de nujsaraspund0criss0


1. my

2. their

3. her

4. its

5. his

6. our

7. his

8. your

Alte întrebări interesante