Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

read and complete.
.............he a bus driver?No,...........
.............It a pet?no,..........
............they dirty?yes,.......
............Mary from ytaly?,..........
............ Mr. dane a doctor?yes,............
............ that Kim?no,............
............ you a pilot?no,........
............ they penguins?yes,..........
............ you dancers?yes,..............
............ they brown?no,.............

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
1. Is he...? No, he isn't
2. Is it ..? No, it isn't
3. Are they..? Yes, they are
4. Is Mary ...? Yes, she is
5. Is Mr. Dan...? Yes he is
6. Is that..? No, he isn't
7. Are you..? No, I am not
8. Are they..? Yes, they are
9. Are you..? Yes, we are
10. Are they..? No, they aren't
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