Engleza, întrebare adresată de bpitipiban, 8 ani în urmă

Read and correct.
VA rog scrieți corect


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ionm6907


2. No! Cats haven't got one ear.

They've got two ears.

3. No! Horses haven't got six legs.

They've got four legs.

4. No! Rabbits haven't got long tails.

They've got short tails.

5. No! Mice haven't got five heads .

They've got one head.

6. No! Kangaroos haven't got short tails.

They've got long tails.

bpitipiban: te iubesc
Răspuns de mihaela6552

2. No! cats haven't got only one ear,,cats have got two ears.

3. No,horses haven't got six legs, they've got four legs.

4. No! rabbits have short tails.

5. No! Mice haven't got five heads,mice have got only one head.

6. No!,Kangaroos have got long tail.

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