Engleza, întrebare adresată de raduelena58460, 8 ani în urmă

Read and number. 5 (points) How is your holiday in Australia? You are visiting your cousin right? Please write soon. Love, Julie Hilo, I'm on holiday in China with my mum, my dad and my brother. It's great fun. The food here is delicious and the people are very nice. Did you know China's got a red flag with yellow stars on it? I like it. 2 We are staying in a big hotel. It's dean and beautiful. Every day we get up at eight odock, we have breakfast and we visit the city. We come back at seven o'clock. We have dinner and play games​


raduelena58460: cine ma ajuta
raduelena58460: va rog mult cine ma ajut
raduelena58460: va rog mult
raduelena58460: sunt incepator

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Răspuns de aurasgagiuag17


have A helubn iegsb uehdi

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