Engleza, întrebare adresată de roscaandrei91p4v6pn, 8 ani în urmă

Read the following story and fill in the gaps with the correct linking words/phrases from the list bellow.

·just then ·eventually ·as soon as ·meanwhile ·suddenly ·when

"Stormy Wheather"

It was a hot, humid evening and John Newby was driving his tractor through his fields.He had had an exhausting day and was on his way home.
1).........................he reached the farmhouse, he noticed the dark grey clouds filling the sky.2).....................he heard a rumbling sound in the distance.John shivered nervously.The noise was getting louder and the sky was darkening rapidly.He knew what these signs meant - it was a storm, and it was heading his way.
3)........................John's frightened wife and children had also heard the terrible noise and had run onto the porch.4).........
he reached them, John led them down to the storm cellar.In no time at all the powerful wind was tearing their home apart.
5)..............there was a tremendous crack as the roof was ripped off and part of the house was blown away.The wind howled and huge hailstones battered what was left ofsa John's home.The family waited anxiously until the storm died down.
6).................the family emerged from the cellar.John had tears in his eays as he looked in horror at their ruined home.The whole family was completely devastated."At least we are all safe, and that's the most important thing," John said to his family.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Stropinel
meanwhile-suddenly-eventually-as soon as-just then-when
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