Engleza, întrebare adresată de petronelapetro, 10 ani în urmă

Read the following text and put the verbs in parentheses in their appropriate forms.
         Every art..........(have) its own basic materials, as well as the techniques of shaping them into  a completed work, which............(build) up over centuries.The of a composer ............(be) to fill a fixed amount  of time with sound that can hold the audience`s attention. IN the case of an orchestral work from what........(be) interpreted by as many as 100 people, playing many kids  of instruments, and controlled by a conductor who may have very different ideas about the work from what.........(be) originally in the composer`s mild.
          The American composer John Cage was the prophet of inderteminate music-that is, music that is not fixed in a single form,unchanged  at each  performance.He........(be) born in 1912,the son of an inventor, and he...........(study) arhitecture and paiting before he............(devote) himself to music in the early 1930s.During the period he.........(take) Iesson with Schoemberg, who ........... (settle) in california.During the 1940s, like many other Americans at this time, he............(study) Zen Buddhist philosophy, with its emphasis on contemplation rather than western style action. As a result of this interest he .......... (become) more concerted with the process of creating music than with the finished piece. He also.........(begin) to bring the element of randomness or change into this works, using the ancient Chinese method of I Ching to decide on what course of action to pursue. In Cage`s case,this...........(take).
             Cage`s most original and eccentric piece..........(date) from 1952. Called ``4`33``, ``it is a completely silend piece for piano, during which the pianist........(sit) at the keyboard for exactly four minutes at 33 seconds, moving his hands at three widely spaced intervals to give  the impression of three movements. Audiences...........(feel) that Cage-...........(make) fools of them-as he.........(be), to a certain extent. But he also...........(have) a more serious purpose`. To make people question why they..........(sit) at a concert at all, to make them think about the quality of silence, which..........(be) the negative image of sounded music.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Read the following text and put the verbs in parentheses in their appropriate forms.â

Citiți următorul text și treceți verbele din paranteze la formele lor corespunzătoare

Every art has its own basic materials, as well as the techniques of shaping them into a completed work, which builds up over centuries. The task of a composer is to fill a fixed amount of time with sound that can hold the audience`s attention. In the case of an orchestral work from what is interpreted by as many as 100 people, playing many kids  of instruments, and controlled by a conductor who may have very different ideas about the work from what was originally in the composer`s mind.

The American composer John Cage was the prophet of indeterminate music - that is, music that is not fixed in a single form, unchanged at each  performance. He was born in 1912, the son of an inventor, and he had studied architecture and painting before he devoted himself to music in the early 1930s. During this period he was taking lessons with Schoenberg, who had settled in California. During the 1940s, like many other Americans at this time, he studied Zen Buddhist philosophy, with its emphasis on contemplation rather than western style action. As a result of this interest he became more concerned with the process of creating music than with the finished piece. He also began to bring the element of randomness or change into this works, using the ancient Chinese method of I Ching to decide on what course of action to pursue. In Cage`s case, this took the form of tossing coins to determine the structure that his music eventually.

Cage`s most original and eccentric piece dates from 1952. Called 4`33``, „it is a completely silent piece for piano, during which the pianist sits at the keyboard for exactly four minutes at 33 seconds, moving his hands at three widely spaced intervals to give the impression of three movements. Audiences felt that Cage was making fools of them - as he was, to a certain extent. But he also had a more serious purpose”. To make people question why they were sitting at a concert at all, to make them think about the quality of silence, which is the negative image of sounded music.



Acest exercițiu pune accent pe înţelegerea şi aplicarea concordanţei timpurilor:

- folosirea timpului Present Tense Simple pentru exprimarea unui adevăr general valabil („Every art has its own basic materials, as well as the techniques of shaping them into a completed work, which builds up over centuries.”)

- folosirea lui Past Tense Continuous ca acţiune progresivă / în desfăşurare în momentul trecut, de scurtă durată, anterior din punct de vedere cronologic altei acţiuni trecute, exprimate prin Past Perfect Simple („During this period he was taking lessons with Schoenberg, who had settled in California.”)

- relații de simultaneitate la un timp trecut - Past Tense Simple („As a result of this interest he became more concerned with the process of creating music than with the finished piece. He also began to bring the element of randomness ...”

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