Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Read the questions using have or has
Have you got an avatar
you get any brothers or sisters?
2 your best friend got curly hair?
3 you and your friends got brown eyes?
4 your classmates got computers?
5 - your teacher got a car?
AT INTERFACE Work in pairs. Choose a pe
In your dess. Then ask and answer questio
Guess who it is​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de plaguedoctor72

2 Has your best friend got curly hair?

Yes he does( daca are par carliontat) No, he doesn't( dak nu are)

3 Have you and your friends got brown eyes?

No, some of us got different eye colours.

4 Have your classmates got computers?

Yes all of them have.(daca toti colegii tai au pc-uri) No, only some of them.(dak doar unii au)

5 Has your teacher got a car?

Yes he/she does have a car.(dak profesorul sau profesoara ta de eng are masina) No, he/she doesn't have a car. (dak n-are)

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