Engleza, întrebare adresată de deeeeeeeznutz, 7 ani în urmă

Read the rubric and underline the
key words, then answer the

➡️Your school newspaper has asked
you to write an article about an
interesting person you know well,
describing his/her appearance,
personality and hobbies/interests.
Write your article
your article for the
newspaper in 120-180 words.


deeeeeeeznutz: nu e nicio secțiune

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihaienat76


My sister is an interesting person. She is short with light brown hair. She has a very positive and outgoing personality. She loves to sing and dance, and she is always the life of the party. I think that my sister is an interesting person because she is full of energy, passion, and creativity. She always makes me laugh and smile. She is never afraid to try new things, and she is always encouraging others to follow their dreams. I think that my sister is an amazing person, and I am very proud to be her brother.

deeeeeeeznutz: ms tpwp
deeeeeeeznutz: poți trg sa te uiți si la noua mea întrebare
deeeeeeeznutz: ???
mihaienat76: care intrebare
deeeeeeeznutz: intra pe profilul meu si dai la întrebări
mihaienat76: la care sectiune
deeeeeeeznutz: nu e nicio sectiune
deeeeeeeznutz: apesi direvt pe întrebari
deeeeeeeznutz: o vezi pe asta si pe aia față răspuns
deeeeeeeznutz: sper ca ai găsit ca imi trebuie repede
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