Engleza, întrebare adresată de rudacovcorina, 8 ani în urmă

Read the text again and tick the sentences either true (T) or false (F). Compare your choices with
those of your classmate. Justify your choices.
a) Media's message of beauty might be harmful.
d) A therapist may help you to accept yourself as
b) Teenagers are influenced by what they see on TV, you are and work for self-improvement.
in movies or magazines.
e) Your self-worth comes from your inside and not
c) For self-improvement, a person needs to work a lot.
Urgent dau coroana

sebastiancrut009: Te rog sa pui imagine cu textul.
sebastiancrut009: Altfel nu te pot ajuta.
sebastiancrut009: Spune "read the text again", ceea ce inseamna "citeste din nou textul".

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de fszkutarp3bu1u


Textul? Avem nevoie de context pentru a te putea ajuta..

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