Read the text of Part 1 again and say what the medical benefits of keeping pets are.
Look at the notes and the expressions below,then,working in pairs,discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet.
Advantages:people learn to care for other creatures ,reduces stress,children become more sociable,good company for old people etc.
Disadvantages:can be very expensive(e's bills) :pet may be jealous of babeș,pets may aggravate health problems(e.g.astha,allergies)
Expressions:First and foremost...,În addition...,I admit you're right,but....,On the contrary...etc.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
I. Read the text of Part 1 again and say what the medical benefits of keeping pets are.
Citiți textul din Partea 1 din nou și spuneți care sunt beneficiile medicale atunci când aveți un animal de companie.
The text illustrates the medical benefits of pets on human beings, such as: (a) stimulating withdrawn or unsocial persons to be more open or to start communicating, (b) learning self-control by caring for weaker creatures, (c) feeling more comfortable and avoiding become obsessed with wounds, (d) increasing the survival rate of people who own a pet, (e) lowering the heart rate and relaxing the human body, (f) loweing the incidence of illnesses, such as colds, backaches and stomach problems.
II. Look at the notes and the expressions below, then, working in pairs, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet.
Observați notițele și expresiile de mai jos, apoi, lucrând în perechi, discutați despre avantajele și dezavantajele prezenței unui animal de companie.
In my opinion, having a pet is a great advantage for people, but it certainly comes with some disadvantages as well.
First and foremost, a pet brightens your day and makes it special. A pet becomes your close friend and it has been demonstrated in many cases that having a dog or a cat determines children and adults to be more responsible, more caring, but also more sociable. In addition, by cuddling and striking a pet, the heart rate lowers and this can be a therapy for ill persons, by reducing stress.
On the contrary, having a pet sometimes is as if having a little child to protect: you need to take it to the vet for expensive health analyses, you need to vaccinate it and to assure a healthy diet for it, and also medical treatment when the animal becomes ill. Having a pet reduces the budget of the owner and, in certain cases, pets may aggravate health problems in humans, determining asthma or allergies. On the second hand, depending on how the pet owners educate their animals, some pets may be jealous of children and small babies and they can hurt them.
In conclusion, the decision of having and raising a pet should belong to adults, because they can establish if their budget allows for medical care of pets and they can decide if they are able to educate and to make the pets behave smoothly with children.