Engleza, întrebare adresată de corin30, 8 ani în urmă

Read the theory. Then read the sentences and choose the correct item.

Give reasons. Write in your notebook.

1. When she was young, Kate lived /was living near the sea.

2. At 8:15 am, an earthquake hit/was hitting the east coast of the country.

3. Alan walked/was walking to school when/while he saw a lost puppy.

4. Kate put on a life jacket and jumped/was jumping from the sinking ship.

5. Tom watched/was watching TV while Jane slept/was sleeping.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de utlizator07062020


1)lived because its an action that mever happened again. 2) hit (because its an action that happened at a time) 3) was walking ( action that happened but another action interrupts it ) when (aceeasi explicatie ca la was walking) jumped ( action happened in the past and didnt happened again)5 . was watching because the action is interrupted by another Jane was sleeping ( la fel )

corin30: Genial , merso mult!
corin30: mersi*
utlizator07062020: cp
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