Report these statements.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.Manuel said that he was having fun
2. Holly and Mark said that they were ready
3. Mark said that he doesn't believe in ghosts
4. Aliki said that he/she has never seen a ghost
5. Lucy said that she ran after the boy
6. Mark said that he was going to catch the boy
7. Lucy said that she would never get up in the night again
8. Aliki said that he/she couldn'g believe it.
Hi there!
1.Manuel said that he was having fun.
2. Holly and Mark said that they were ready.
3. Mark said that he didn`t believe in ghosts.
4. Aliki said that he had never seen a ghost.
5. Lucy said that she had run after the boy.
6. Mark said that he was going to catch the boy.
7. Lucy said that she would never get up in the night again.
8. Licki said that he couldn`t believe it.
Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a transmite ceea ce altcineva a spus. De cele mai multe ori, verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul trecut (he said that, he told me, etc). Nu putem avea timp trecut in principala si timp prezent in secundara. Si-atunci, timpurile din propozitia secundara se vor transforma, astfel: present simple in past simple; present continuous in past continuous;past simple in past perfect simple present perfect simple in past perfect simple; past continuous in past perfect continuous,etc.
Mult succes!