rewrite the following senteces using emphatic It.La ex 4 Va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Rewrite the following sentences using emphatic It.
Rescrieți următoarele enunțuri folosind termenul de evidențiere „it”.
Steve reached his goal.
It was Steve who reached his goal.
Answer / Răspuns:
1. John threw the book into the fire.
It was John who threw the book into the fire.
2. Susie met James at the railway station.
It was Susie who met James at the railway station.
3. Susie liked the design on the door very much.
It was Susie who liked the design on the door very much.
4. My father bought me a new tablet PC yesterday.
It was my father who bought me a new tablet PC yesterday.
5. John worries about his Dad's health.
It is John who worries about his Dad's health.
Structuri folosite pentru evidențierea unor acțiuni sau a unor anumite secvențe dintr-un enunț:
- negație:
It is/was (not) + subject + who(m) / that
It wasn't John who broke the window.
Nu a fost John cel care a spart geamul.
- interogație:
Is/was It + subject/object + who(m)/that
Is it my fault that she left so early?
E greșeala mea că ea a plecat așa devreme?
- afirmație:
that is/was + question word
He was upset with his friend. That's why he left without saying a word.
Era supărat pe prietenul lui. De aceea, a plecat fără a spune un cuvânt.
- do/does/did + bare infinitive in the Present Simple, Past Simple or Imperative to give emphasis.
I do believe in you.
Chiar cred în tine.