Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariacatre, 9 ani în urmă

rewrite the sentences using although, however, in spite of or despite. 1. i've read the instructions several times but I still don't understand how the machine works..(however)..2) The tickets were expensive but the concert was well worth it.(altgough)..3) We started out early but we still arrived five minutes late.( in spite of)...4) Everyone says the film is good but I don' t want to see it.(although)...5)She had no drama training but she became a big Hollywood film star.(despite.).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Rewrite the sentences using although, however, in spite of, despite.

Rescrieţi enunţurile folosind "deşi", "totuşi", "în ciuda", "în pofida".

1. I've read the instructions several times but I still don't understand how the machine works.  (however)

2. The tickets were expensive but the concert was well worth it. (although)

3. We started out early but we still arrived five minutes late. (in spite of)

4. Everyone says the film is good but I don't see it. (although)

5. She had no drama training but she became a big Hollywood star (despite)

Rezolvarea exerciţiului

1. I've read the instructions several times, however I don't understand how the machine works.

Am citit instrucţiunile de câteva ori, cu toate acestea, nu înţeleg cum funcţionează maşina.

2. Although the tickets were expensive, the concert was well worth it.

Deşi biletele au fost scumpe, concertul a meritat pe deplin.

3. In spite of the fact that we started out early, we still arrived five minutes late.

În pofida faptului că am plecat devreme, tot am ajuns cu 5 minute mai târziu.

4. Although everyone says the film is good, I don't see it.

Deşi toată lumea spune că filmul este bun, eu nu văd acest lucru.

5. Despite having no drama training, she became a big Hollywood star.

În ciuda faptului că nu avea cursuri de teatru, ea a devenit o mare vedetă Hollywood.



Nu este o anumită problemă gramaticală, e suficient să se cunoască sensul acestor conjuncţii sau locuţiuni conjuncţionale:

- although - deşi

- however - totuşi, cu toate acestea

- in spite of / despite - în ciuda/în pofida (faptului că ...)

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