Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 10 ani în urmă

Rezolvati-mi urmatorul exercitiu;Si traduceti-mi!!!!Va roog!!!
1.Cross out the incorrect word in each pair.
1.Course participants gave each other advise/advice.
2.'Keep calm and don't shout' is the best advise/advice I've ever had.
3.Some parents don't practise/practice what they preach.
4.You'll need lots of practise/practice to be a good parent.
5.Psychologists advise/advice parents to discuss rules with their teenage sons and daughers.URGENT!!!!trebuie doar sa-mi scrieti cuvantul corect la fiecare propozitie.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



1. Cross out the incorrect word in each pair.

Eliminaţi cuvântul incorect din fiecare pereche de paronime.


1. Course participants gave each other advise/advice.

advise / advice (corect)

Course participants gave each other advice.

Participanţii la curs şi-au dat sfaturi unii altora.


Rezolvarea exerciţiului:

2. 'Keep calm and don't shout' is the best advise/advice I've ever had.


'Keep calm and don't shout' is the best advice I've ever had.

"Stai liniştit şi nu striga" este cel mai bun sfat pe care l-am primit vreodată.

3. Some parents don't practise/practice what they preach.


Some parents don't practise what they preach.

Unii părinţi nu pun în practică ceea ce predică.

4. You'll need lots of practise/practice to be a good parent.


You'll need lots of practice to be a good parent.

Vei avea nevoie de multă experienţă pentru a fi un bun părinte.

5. Psychologists advise/advice parents to discuss rules with their teenage sons and daughters.


Psychologists advise parents to discuss rules with their teenage sons and daughters.

Psihologii sfătuiesc pe părinţi să discute regulile cu fiii şi fiicele lor adolescenţi/adolescente.

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