Engleza, întrebare adresată de londabrasov, 9 ani în urmă

Rezumat legenda lui mos craciun in engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mihaela003
Legend has it that the Virgin Mary, being comprised of travail, asked him Christmas Eve's shelter. Arguing that he is poor, he refused, but sent it to his younger brother and richer, Santa Claus. Christmas arrived at his house, Mother of God finds his wife at home, and asks its Craciuneasa shelter. Craciuneasa not stay much thought, but knowing bad and unfaithful husband and not one gets in the House and sends his cattle born in the stable. Then, without telling him her husband was helping Craciuneasa Virgin Mary to give birth to the Christ child. Finding Christmas, he punished his wife. But Virgin Mary miraculously a Craciuneasa to help her husband escape punishment. Christmas, seeing this wonder and learning that in the stable or was born Jesus, repents and asks God's forgiveness, becoming the "first Christian". It is said that he repented so much that the next day he shared the whole wealth of poor children and since then, every year on the eve of the Nativity, Santa Claus comes with reindeer sleigh, come down the chimney and puts us presents under the tree than expected. Holy feast of Christmas, with fragrance-and fir-tree is full of traditions and symbols from various worldwide.

londabrasov: Multumesc foarte mult
Mihaela003: Cu placere
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