Engleza, întrebare adresată de fluturezburator53, 8 ani în urmă

Rog cei ce se pricep la engleza sa ma ajute cat de mult pot ,stiu si la celelalte inteebari de pe cont!Am nevoie pana mâine în jurul orei 11,10!!Stiu ca poate ofer prea putine puncte ,dar n-am multe.Promit ca ma revansez!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mbc220861




1. ... the third time I'm asking you...

2. ... for her to drive ....

3. ..... were the last words he said ...

4. .... she had ....

5. ... last time she mentioned ...

6. ... the last week for me to ....


1.  .... record they have made ....

2. ... a long time since I have been ...

3. ... I have written ....

4. ... time I have met ....

5. ... time I have had ....

6. ... I trusted them ...

7. ... since she has got ...

8. ... film I have ever seen ....

9. ... 2 years ago when Fiona went ...

10. ... pearson I have ever met ...

11. ... since we have moved ...

12. ... my dad lent ....

Am completat doar ceea ce trebuie introdus in spatile punctate pentru a respecta cerinta.

Sper ca te ajuta.

Răspuns de florentinaoanag



1.This is the third time I'm asking you this question.

2.Tomorrow will be the first time for her driving a car.

3.Those words were the last words he ever spoked to me.

4.That was the first time ever for her to earn her own money.

5.That was the last time for her ever mantioned the subject.

6.Next week will be the last time ever that I have to work with her.


1.This is the best ever record of them in my opinion.

2.It's been so long for me that I assisted to a football match.

3.This is the third letter for me to them.

4This is the first time ever met anyone like her.

5.This is the fourth time I ate chicken this week.

6.That was the last time ever trusted them.

7.It's about two months she getting în touch with me.

8.This is the worst film I've ever seen, to be honest.

9.It is 2 years for Fiona after she had been gone on a trip arround the US.

10.He is the most unpleasant person I've ever seen, I must say.

11.It is 2 years for us that we are into this flat.

12.This is the last time ever for my dad lended me money

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