Salut! Am nevoie de o compunere in Engleza mai maricica despre cum mi-am petrecut paștele 2020. Nu prea stiu ce sa scriu deoarece cu carantină asta nu am facut mai nimic si nici nu pot inventa in compunere ca am fost la grătare etc. pentru ca doamna a spus sa fie realistă. Va rog sa ma ajutati ,dau coroana !
poti sa spui ca ati jucat cu intreaga familie jocuri, puzzle, ati vazut un film comic, v-ati amuzat incercand sa gatiti ceva nou :) sunt doar niste idei dar poate te ajuta pt compunere
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In my culture, Easter is quite an important holiday. Not only is it of great signifiance for Christianity, but it is also a time of personal well-being, of peace and love among families and communities. Every year, it is celebrated in many Romanian families, each of them having their own traditions and customs, but sharing the essence of this wonderful occasion.
I do not remember a time when we didn’t celebrate Easter. It has always been one of my favourite holidays, with the whole family getting together and spending time reconnecting, while eating delicious food (and even waiting for the Easter bunny). The preparations always start a few days before, when grandma starts making her shopping lists. We usually host the event, so we tidy the house up and make sure everything is in place. The evening before Easter, we gather at my house and then proceed to the church, where we attend the Easter Mass. Sometimes, Grandma chooses to stay there longer, but us children are looking forward to tasting the dishes and thus we leave after we get the Holy Light. Having gotten home, we crack eggs and get to eat the long-awaited meal. We spend the rest of the night having a great time, until one by one, we feel the sleep creep behind and retire to our own rooms.
This year, however, things are a little different. We are no longer allowed to see each other, due to the epidemic situation. But no matter where we are, the spirit of Easter is always there with us. Preparations started early this year, as well. Equipped with gloves and a mask, Dad ventured into the city to get everything on the (shorter than before) shopping list. As Mom was only cooking for our family, there was no need for a lot of food. While she spent her time in the kitchen, me and Dad made the house squeaky-clean. The evening before the first day of Easter, everything was in place. There was a lot of uncertainty in the air regarding how event will unfold. Nevertheless, we were happy we got to spend this time together, thinking about other people, who were not as lucky and had to spend Easter alone. We already knew that, this years, the Holy Light will be distributed by volunteers, so when we heard the car come down the street, Dad was ready to go. My Mum and I remained inside, watching from the window the eerie scene: people were slowly gathering to receive the light and bring it into their own homes, standing 2 meters apart, then just as slowly retreating to the warmth of the inside, invisible, had it not been for the glowing candles. We then sat at the table and ate, a little bit more quietly than usual, but in good spirits nonetheless. The next morning was no different than other Easter mornings: we woke up and followed the customs, such as washing our face with water which had a coin in it for good luck, and we had a hearty breakfast. We called our relatives and wished them happy holidays and spent the rest of the day doing fun activities together.
Easter is not about where you spend it, it is about your family (no matter how far they are) and about yourself as a person and how you relate to it. And most important, it is about the spirit of Easter: peace, love and forgiveness.
Nu prea stiu cam cat de mare ar trebui sa fie, dar sper ca e ok. Daca ceva nu ti se pare ok, poti sa schimbi cu lucruri pe care le face familia ta de obicei in perioada asta. Sper ca te-am ajutat!
I do not remember a time when we didn’t celebrate Easter. It has always been one of my favourite holidays, with the whole family getting together and spending time reconnecting, while eating delicious food (and even waiting for the Easter bunny). The preparations always start a few days before, when grandma starts making her shopping lists. We usually host the event, so we tidy the house up and make sure everything is in place. The evening before Easter, we gather at my house and then proceed to the church, where we attend the Easter Mass. Sometimes, Grandma chooses to stay there longer, but us children are looking forward to tasting the dishes and thus we leave after we get the Holy Light. Having gotten home, we crack eggs and get to eat the long-awaited meal. We spend the rest of the night having a great time, until one by one, we feel the sleep creep behind and retire to our own rooms.
This year, however, things are a little different. We are no longer allowed to see each other, due to the epidemic situation. But no matter where we are, the spirit of Easter is always there with us. Preparations started early this year, as well. Equipped with gloves and a mask, Dad ventured into the city to get everything on the (shorter than before) shopping list. As Mom was only cooking for our family, there was no need for a lot of food. While she spent her time in the kitchen, me and Dad made the house squeaky-clean. The evening before the first day of Easter, everything was in place. There was a lot of uncertainty in the air regarding how event will unfold. Nevertheless, we were happy we got to spend this time together, thinking about other people, who were not as lucky and had to spend Easter alone. We already knew that, this years, the Holy Light will be distributed by volunteers, so when we heard the car come down the street, Dad was ready to go. My Mum and I remained inside, watching from the window the eerie scene: people were slowly gathering to receive the light and bring it into their own homes, standing 2 meters apart, then just as slowly retreating to the warmth of the inside, invisible, had it not been for the glowing candles. We then sat at the table and ate, a little bit more quietly than usual, but in good spirits nonetheless. The next morning was no different than other Easter mornings: we woke up and followed the customs, such as washing our face with water which had a coin in it for good luck, and we had a hearty breakfast. We called our relatives and wished them happy holidays and spent the rest of the day doing fun activities together.
Easter is not about where you spend it, it is about your family (no matter how far they are) and about yourself as a person and how you relate to it. And most important, it is about the spirit of Easter: peace, love and forgiveness.
Nu prea stiu cam cat de mare ar trebui sa fie, dar sper ca e ok. Daca ceva nu ti se pare ok, poti sa schimbi cu lucruri pe care le face familia ta de obicei in perioada asta. Sper ca te-am ajutat!
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