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Rocking around the clock: On tour with Jon Bon Jovi
Dansam rock in toata noaptea: In turneu cu Jon Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi is one of the biggest rock bands in the world.
Bon Jovi este una dintre cele mai mari trupe rock din lume.
Rick Stevens joins the lead singer and actor Jon Bon Jovi on the day of an important show.
Rick Stevens se alatura solistului si actorului Jon Bon Jovi in ziua unui mare concert.
I always have coffe
Intotdeauna servesc o cafea
Jon usually gets up between nine and ten in the morning. It depends how tired he is.
Jon se trezeste de obicei intre noua si zece dimineata, in functie de cat este de obosit.
'I'm never at my best first thing in the morning so I always have a lots of coffe for breakfast,' says Jon.
'Niciodata dimineata nu sunt in cea mai buna forma, asa ca servesc intotdeauna multa cafea la micul dejun,' spune Jon.
'I really need it'.
Chiar am nevoie ea.
Jon likes to keep fit.
Lui Jon ii place sa se mentina in forma.
'I go to the gym four mornings a week and do weightlifting,' he says.
'Merg la sala dimineata de patru ori pe saptamana si imping haltere'.
'I also run for about half an hour in the evening'.
'Mai alerg si seara cam jumatate de ora.'
Jon has lunch at one o'clock.
Jon serveste pranzul la ora unu.
He prefers ordinary Italian or American food.
Prefera mancare clasica americana sau intaliana.
He eats a lot of junk food and he never diets.
Mananca multa mancare nesanatoasa si niciodata nu respecta o dieta.
In the afternoon he gives interviews.
Dupa masa da interviuri.
There are lots of jurnalists who want to interview him so he sometimes gives six or seven interviews in a day.
Multi jurnalisti doresc sa ii ia un interviu si sunt zile in care da sase sau sapte interviuri.
On the road
Pe drum
The members of the Bon Jovi rock band usually travel to and from their gigs in minibuses.
Membrii trupei Bon Jovi obisnuiesc sa calatoreasca la concerte ci microbuzele.
The windows are dark so people can't see them.
Ferestrele sunt intunecate asa ca oamenii nu ii pot vedea.
'People always get excited when they see us and we and we don't want any car accidents.'
'Intotdeauna oamenii se agita cand ne vad si nu dorim accidente cu masina.'
When they travel long distances, they go by helicopter or plane.
Pe distante lungi calatoresc cu elicopterul sau cu avionul.
'People think that's exciting, but it's not.
'Oamenii cred ca este fascinant, dar nu e asa.
Airports are boring places.'
Aeroporturile sunt locuri plictisitoare.'
Show time
At ten o'clock it's time for Bon Jovi to go out on stage and start their show.
La ora zece este timpul pentru ca trupa Bon Jovi sa iasa pe scena si sa-si inceapa spectacolul.
Their concerts last about two hours.
Concertele lor dureaza cam doua ore.
After the show they usually go to a restaurant and relax.
Dupa spectacol, de obicei merg la un restaurant si se relaxaza.
'We're always on a high after a gig, so we don't go straight to bed!'
'Dupa un concert suntem mereu in forma si nu mergem direct la culcare!'
Dansam rock in toata noaptea: In turneu cu Jon Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi is one of the biggest rock bands in the world.
Bon Jovi este una dintre cele mai mari trupe rock din lume.
Rick Stevens joins the lead singer and actor Jon Bon Jovi on the day of an important show.
Rick Stevens se alatura solistului si actorului Jon Bon Jovi in ziua unui mare concert.
I always have coffe
Intotdeauna servesc o cafea
Jon usually gets up between nine and ten in the morning. It depends how tired he is.
Jon se trezeste de obicei intre noua si zece dimineata, in functie de cat este de obosit.
'I'm never at my best first thing in the morning so I always have a lots of coffe for breakfast,' says Jon.
'Niciodata dimineata nu sunt in cea mai buna forma, asa ca servesc intotdeauna multa cafea la micul dejun,' spune Jon.
'I really need it'.
Chiar am nevoie ea.
Jon likes to keep fit.
Lui Jon ii place sa se mentina in forma.
'I go to the gym four mornings a week and do weightlifting,' he says.
'Merg la sala dimineata de patru ori pe saptamana si imping haltere'.
'I also run for about half an hour in the evening'.
'Mai alerg si seara cam jumatate de ora.'
Jon has lunch at one o'clock.
Jon serveste pranzul la ora unu.
He prefers ordinary Italian or American food.
Prefera mancare clasica americana sau intaliana.
He eats a lot of junk food and he never diets.
Mananca multa mancare nesanatoasa si niciodata nu respecta o dieta.
In the afternoon he gives interviews.
Dupa masa da interviuri.
There are lots of jurnalists who want to interview him so he sometimes gives six or seven interviews in a day.
Multi jurnalisti doresc sa ii ia un interviu si sunt zile in care da sase sau sapte interviuri.
On the road
Pe drum
The members of the Bon Jovi rock band usually travel to and from their gigs in minibuses.
Membrii trupei Bon Jovi obisnuiesc sa calatoreasca la concerte ci microbuzele.
The windows are dark so people can't see them.
Ferestrele sunt intunecate asa ca oamenii nu ii pot vedea.
'People always get excited when they see us and we and we don't want any car accidents.'
'Intotdeauna oamenii se agita cand ne vad si nu dorim accidente cu masina.'
When they travel long distances, they go by helicopter or plane.
Pe distante lungi calatoresc cu elicopterul sau cu avionul.
'People think that's exciting, but it's not.
'Oamenii cred ca este fascinant, dar nu e asa.
Airports are boring places.'
Aeroporturile sunt locuri plictisitoare.'
Show time
At ten o'clock it's time for Bon Jovi to go out on stage and start their show.
La ora zece este timpul pentru ca trupa Bon Jovi sa iasa pe scena si sa-si inceapa spectacolul.
Their concerts last about two hours.
Concertele lor dureaza cam doua ore.
After the show they usually go to a restaurant and relax.
Dupa spectacol, de obicei merg la un restaurant si se relaxaza.
'We're always on a high after a gig, so we don't go straight to bed!'
'Dupa un concert suntem mereu in forma si nu mergem direct la culcare!'
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