Informatică, întrebare adresată de andreistancu96, 8 ani în urmă

Salut ! Ma puteti ajuta si pe mine va rog la acesta problema ? lucrez la sololearn c# si am intampinat aceasta problema :

On the car dealership website, you can pre-order a car by specifying its color and equipment.
The program you are given takes the color and the equipment type as input and pass them to constructor of already declared Car class.
Implement IColor and IEquipment interfaces for the Car class and reimplement their GetColor and GetEquipment methods inside it. Each of them should output corresponding message about color/equipment (see sample output).

Sample Input

Sample Output
Color: Blue
Equipment: Standard


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de VxF


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SoloLearn


   class Program


       static void Main(string[] args)


           string color = Console.ReadLine();

           string equipment = Console.ReadLine();

           Car car = new Car(color, equipment);





   public interface IColor


       void GetColor();


   public interface IEquipment


       void GetEquipment();



   //implement IColor & IEquipment interfaces

   public class Car : IColor, IEquipment


       public string color;

       public string equipment;

       public Car(string color, string equipment)


           this.color = color;

  = equipment;



       //reimplement this method

       public void GetColor()


           Console.WriteLine("Color: {0}", this.color);


       //reimplement this method

       public void GetEquipment()


           Console.WriteLine("Equipment: {0}",;





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