Engleza, întrebare adresată de Robeat222, 9 ani în urmă

Scrieti o scurta compunere in engleza despre vacanta perfecta(perfect holiday).daca stii ce zic!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Adriana2002
Perfect Holiday.For me a perfect holiday means:all the time with my family,frnds,peoples who i love,more presents and happinest.I always try that the holidays that really matter,to be spent with loved ones.With effort, any celebration can become perfect for me.

Robeat222: Thx for this text:D:*!!
Crss1: kiss
Răspuns de Crss1
the perfect holiday. Everything begin with my family, this vacation we need to relax. My mom and I decided to go to the beach. it's perfect, the weather is fine, water is super and the most important thing is that Maria will come with me. After many things and things we go to the beach, I m waiting for this since the last autumn. Maria is so beautiful, I like her much, so this summer I will say my secret. Everything was OK, at the last This summer will be the best.

Robeat222: este foarte misto compunerea dar ciudata ms oricum
Crss1: :*
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