Engleza, întrebare adresată de annabubuuu, 9 ani în urmă

Știe cineva să le facă? Vă rog frumos, cât mai repede!! Dau cel mai bun răspuns!Mulțumesc mult!❤️


Matei: pe........TOATE ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de oberinde
1.Elisabeth told her brother not to read her letters.
2.Cindy asked her neighbor to water her plants regularly while she would be away.
3.The policeman ordered Chris to drive carefully.
4.The teacher warned the children not to touch the art works.
5.Adam told me to give him some information.
6.The policeman ordered him to get out of the car.
7.The professor told the students to pick up the topic or to select one by themselves.
8.Mrs Grand instructed the babysitter not to give Anne any bananas because she hated them.
9.She asked me to open the window.
10.The old lady told the grandson not to remove that flower.
11.The pupils asked the teacher to speak up properly because they couldn't hear him.
12. The doctor told me to stop smoking.
13.She asked us to be quiet.
14.The man with the gun warned me not to move.
15.He told us not to pretend we knew the answer.
16.The landlady told the young man to keep his room clean.
17.Margaret asked Barbara not to tell Steve anything about her.
18.The general ordered to colonel Higgs to take 50 men with him and check the village.
19.Mrs Walter requested Brian not to smoke in her new car.
20.Marry asked me not to forget to bring back her books.
21.He advised us not to pay attention to him.
22.Mrs Robinson asked Sarah to help her daughter with English.
23.Mother told Billy to finish playing that stupid game .
24.The boss told Miriam not to be late, otherwise she would be fired.
25.John said to his wife to go and see the doctor because she was not looking well.
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