Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreigh123456789, 8 ani în urmă

Talk with your friends​


andreigh123456789: cine ma ajuta
andreigh123456789: va rog mult cine ma ajuta

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MNalesnicu

Răspuns :
Vorbeste cu prietenii tai !
Care este fructul tau preferat?
Bananele ! Iubesc Bananele !

Model :
Care este fructul tau preferat ?
Merele !  Iubesc merele !
( What s your favourite fruit?
Apples ! I love apples ! )

Răspuns de maddyyours
how are you ?
im fine ,you?
talk with you.
thats right
i know
and now ?
now ,i guess im going to read a book
what kind of books do you read
so, action, romance and lots of drama
wow that sounds interesting
do you want to know what I want to read now?
yes,why not
well ... im reading Harry Potter the second part
wow, Iim going to buy this book right now !
im glad you like! I have to go, see you later
oki , goodbye!
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