Engleza, întrebare adresată de fruzsinasoos95, 8 ani în urmă

Te rog sa ajutați-ma... Trebuie să scriu între 5 și 10 propoziții despre persoana din imagine.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de opreaalexandru005
  1. The person from the picture is staying in the kitchen
  2. He is wearing a blue shirt and a necklace
  3. He is happy, probably being happy for someone else or for something with not much importance
  4. He has short, straight, brown hair and brown eyes, while his jaw line is not very visible.
  5. He is adventurous, this being visible from his necklace, that is normally worn by surfers or adventure rookies.
Alte întrebări interesante