Engleza, întrebare adresată de tamaalpacal, 8 ani în urmă

Tema mea la engleza q-q ajutor (toata pagina)


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gachastrike00


1.a)Paul said he didn't know where it was.

b)The trees swayed as the wind blew.

c)I ate all the crisps from the bag.

2. words to cross/cuvinte pe care sa le tai: wear, where, where

3.Insert apostrophees/adauga apostrof:

a. can't and you're

b. weren't and couldn't

c. Don't and won't

4.Insert punctuation/adauga semnele de punctuație:

Have you seen Archie? Asked Evie. No, I replied.

I haven't seen him.

5.tick the sentences/bifeaza propozitiile corecte

a.I was sat with my friends X

b.They were stood by the bus stop. X

c.He was standing on his own.

d.You was stood beside me. X




Bonus task: difference between who and whom.

We use "who" to ask about someone.

Ex. Who is she going with?

We use "whom" when we can replace it with him or her.

Ex. She is the friend whom I study with.

Mult succes! Coroana?

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