1. Scrie o conversație între tine și cineva pe care îl întâlnești pentru prima dată la o conferinta. Prezentați-vă unul pe celălalt şi vorbiți despre ţara din care veniți. ocupația dvs. actuală şi motivul pentru care participați la acea conferință.
2. Doriţi să aran jați o întâlnire pentru a vă prezenta produsele. Scrie conversaţia pe care o ai cu un posibil client.
3. Descrieți un produs pe care il aveți sau il utilizați, de exemplu telefonul, masina, haina sau computerul tau.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
I walked in the office then i saw this man standing in front of my door, i went to him and i said:
- Hello! Do you mind if i ask you who you are? Then he said:
- Hi! It’s really nice to meet you! many people told me you are nice, I am LIam( poti pune orice nume vrei tu), I was born in England and I am a lawyer. What about you?
- My name is ( spune numele tau ), I was born in ( Tara in care te ai nascut)and i am ( ocupatia dvs, de exemplu poti inventa ceva nu neaparat sa scrii elev )
- I want to participate in this conference because the people give you the opportunity to talk one-on-one about what they are working on, and they may even give you advice on how to enhance your own work.
- I’m so pleased to meet you! I want to show my products to you. The products i wanna show to you Mr. Liam are clothes, i created a new theme for them. The clothes i wanna show you are colourful, beautiful and perfect for people who love colours.
- I will arrange your conference. i would love to wear the clothes you made.
- Thank you so much Mr. Liam! when will we meet?
- We will meet on the next saturday at 16:30 pm! See you then …( numele tau)
- See you Liam!
- Hello! Do you mind if i ask you who you are? Then he said:
- Hi! It’s really nice to meet you! many people told me you are nice, I am LIam( poti pune orice nume vrei tu), I was born in England and I am a lawyer. What about you?
- My name is ( spune numele tau ), I was born in ( Tara in care te ai nascut)and i am ( ocupatia dvs, de exemplu poti inventa ceva nu neaparat sa scrii elev )
- I want to participate in this conference because the people give you the opportunity to talk one-on-one about what they are working on, and they may even give you advice on how to enhance your own work.
- I’m so pleased to meet you! I want to show my products to you. The products i wanna show to you Mr. Liam are clothes, i created a new theme for them. The clothes i wanna show you are colourful, beautiful and perfect for people who love colours.
- I will arrange your conference. i would love to wear the clothes you made.
- Thank you so much Mr. Liam! when will we meet?
- We will meet on the next saturday at 16:30 pm! See you then …( numele tau)
- See you Liam!
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