Engleza, întrebare adresată de sebastian777, 9 ani în urmă

there is a prize for the best horror story beginning with words:'In the moonlight we could see the ruins of the castel where the wicked count had lived. as we came closer a light appered at a window and wolves began to howl...'
Continue the story in an appropriate style​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andy7290
I saw hideous faces that creep on your spine , strange creatures you see and mell them in the most terrible , ugly nightmares . The voices and the faces were bothering you ,they were banging on the most brave and powerful people , they were mixing , with the wolves of the wolves I did not know where to go , to find the way to the world I was in, and what I thought was terrible I now understood what terrible... Often I was saying that my mother is terrible that she does not understand the generation today my brothers are terrible that we are quarreling from every whim. Among the tears and the hot desire I spoke to God , I saw a light that was the light that led me to the house ...


Exista un premiu ptr cea mai buna poveste de groaza , incepand cu cuvintele : In lumina lunii am vazut ruinele castelului in care traiau cei rai , cand am aprins o lumina aprinsa la o fereastra si lupii au inceput sa urle

am vazut chipuri hidoase care iti dadeau fiori pe sira spinarii creaturi ciudate pe care le vezi si te intalnesti cu ele in cosmarurile cele mai groaznice , urate . Glasurile si chipurile te ingrozeau , ingrozeau si pe cei mai curajosi si puternici oameni se amestecau cu urletele lupilor nu stiam incotro sa ma indrept sa gasesc iesirea spre lumea in care ma aflam si care credeam ca e groaznica acum am inteles ce inseamna groaznic...

De multe ori spuneam ca mama e groaznica ca nu intelege generatia de astazi , fratii mei sunt groaznici ca ne certam din orice fleac . Printre lacrimi si dorinta fierbinte rostita in gand catre Dumnezeu am vazut o lumina ea era calauza ce ma conducea spre casa ...
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