There was once a large kingdom where the Red King ruled. He had three beautiful daughters.
daughter. And this daughter alsoepved her father above all else.
Once, there was a big feast and the king sat at the table and ate and drank and his daughters
were around him. He looked at them and suddenly he asked his oldest daughter: 'How is your love
for me?' And the girl, who was sly and knew how to speak to her father, answered: 'It is like honey,
father. And the king was much pleased. Then he tu pred towards his second daughter and asked
her the same question. And the girl answered with a smile: 'It is like sugar, father. And the king
smiled happily
He then turned towards his youngest daughter and asked her about her love for him. And the
girl thought for a while, looked at the food on her plate and answered: 'My love for you, my
is like salt in food.' And when her sisters heard her answer, they started laughing, and her father
became angry and chased her away from the kingdom, because he did not like her answer.
So the girl packed her things and left with tears in her eyes. She got to a large court where
another king ruled and asked the people there to let her work in the kitchen. And she was hard-
working and kind and beautiful. One day the prince saw her, fell in love with her and asked her to
marry him. The girl said yes and they started preparations for the wedding. And the girl only asked
the prince to invite one person for her, the Red King. And the prince invited him.
The princess asked all servants to let her prepare the food for the Red King, and told them that
they should only serve him that food, and no other. So she prepared all his food without salt. And
when the night of the wedding arrived, the servants served him with the food the princess had
prepared. And the Red King tasted it, but it was not good, and he looked around him and saw that
all the other guests were enjoying their meals. So he took a bite from his neighbour's plate, and
another from another plate, and he saw that the other food was tasty, only his was not.
And he stood up and asked the prince: What is this? Did you invite me here to make a fool of
me? All the food is tasty, but mine is not. But the princess stood up and said: 'It was me, father. I
told you I loved you like salt in food, but you chased me away, so I thought you did not like salt in
food. That is why I prepared all your food without salt.'
And now the Red King understood he was wrong, and cried and held his daughter in his arms.
And they became a family again, and lived happily to the end of their days.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
A fost odată un mare regat. In acel regat domnea Regele Rosu care avea 3 fete.
Intr-o zi la un mare festin, regele statea la masa cu fetele sale. Se uita la ele si o întreba pe fata cea mare:
" Cum este iubirea ta pentru mine?"
Fata cum stia ce sa-i răspunda, spuse :"Iubirea mea pentru tine este ca mierea" .
Regele mulțumit de răspuns ii puse aceași intrebare fetei mijlocii. Ea raspunse " Iubirea mea pentru tine este ca zaharul" iar regele zambii fericit si se intoarse catre mezina familiei si o intreba despre iubirea ei pentru el.
Aceasta ii răspunse " iubirea mea pentru tine este ca sarea in mancare"
Surorile ei începură a rade de aceasta si tatal sau se mânie si o izgoni din regat .
Asa ca fata isi împacheta lucrurile si pleca plângând. Merse la o alta împărăție unde alt rege domnea si le ceru sa o lase sa muncească in bucatarie. Aceasta era muncitoare, blanda si frumoasă. Intr-o zi printul o vazu si se indragosti de ea, cerand-o de sotie. Fata accepta si începură pregatirile de nunta. Fata ii ceru printului sa invite o singură persoană din partea ei, pe regele Rosu. Printul o lasa pe fata sa pregătesca toata mancarea pe care o vor servii Regelui Roșu, aceasta fiind doar pt el, nu si petru ceilalți invitați. Asa ca aceasta prepara mancare fara sare. Cand noaptea nunții veni, servitorii ii aduseră regelui Rosu mancarea gatita de prințesa . Cand regele o gusta isi dadu seama ca nu este buna, se uita in jurul sau si vazu ca ceilalti invitați se bucurau de bucatele primite, asa ca gusta din farfuria vecinului sau si vazu ca aceasta era gustoasă. Se duse la print si il intreba :" Ce e asta? M-ai invitat aici ca sa razi de mine? Toata mancare este gustoasă, dar a mea nu este. " Dar prințesa ii răspunse in locul prințului:" Eu am fost, tata. Ti-am spus ca te iubesc ca sarea in mancare, iar tu m-ai alungat, asa ca m-am gandit ca nu iti place sarea in mancare. Acesta este motivul pentru care ti-am preparat mâncarea fara sare."
Acum regele Rosu înțelese ca a gresit, incepu a plange si isi stranse fiica in brate.
Ei devenira din nou o familie si trăira fericiți pana la adânci bătrâneți.
( scuza-mi greșelile, m-am grăbit)