Engleza, întrebare adresată de reachless, 9 ani în urmă

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"Astazi am stat de vorba cu Richard, un tanar care in urma cu 3 ani a lasat Marea Britanie, tara lui natala, pentru a se muta in Argentina. "Mama mea este nascuta aici, astfel ca si-a dorit sa fie mai aproape de familia ei, asa ca a revenit in Argentina". Din pacate pentru el, Richard, nu a avut alta varianta decat sa se mute alaturi de mama sa la Buenos Aires. "Tata este pilot de avion, astfel ca este plecat mai tot timpul, deci nimeni nu poate avea grija de mine, atunci avand doar 14 ani". Parintii lui s-au simtit mai bine, cand acesta a acceptat sa se mute in Argentina. A fost impresionat de anumite lucruri la venirea In Argentina "In Marea Britanie nu eram obligati sa purtam uniforma scolara, dar aici da". El nu a purtat niciodata o uniforma scolara cat timp a invatat in Marea Britanie, asa ca i s-a parut putin ciudat la inceput, dar in timp s-a obisnuit. Visul cel mare a lui Richard este de a trece examenele si mai apoi de a ajunge la universitate "Imi doresc o cariera de succes in medicina". In urma mutarii din Marea Britanie pe langa prieteni, Richard a mai pierdut inca ceva "Am pierdut sportul meu preferat: fotbalul American".
In final, Richard ne-a marturisit ca isi doreste sa ramana in Argentina, deoarece in acesti 3 ani de cand e aici, s-a indragostit de aceasta tara, dar
si de locuitorii ei."

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MihaelaD8
Today we talked to Richard, a young man who decided to leave Great Britain, his native country, three years ago and move to Argentina. "My mother was born here, so she wanted to be closer to her family and moved back to Argentina." Unfortunately for him, Richard had no other choice but to move with his mother to Buenos Aires. "My father is an aircraft pilot, so he's away most of the time, and no one can take care of me since I'm only 14 years old." His parents felt better when he accepted moving to Argentina. He was impressed by some things on his arrival to Argentina: "Back in Great Britain, we weren't required to wear a school uniform, but here we do." He has never worn a school uniform while he was in Great Britain so it seemed a bit weird in the beginning, but he has gotten used to it. Richard's biggest dream is to pass his exams and get into the university "I want to have a successful career in medicine". After leaving Great Britain, besides losing his friends, Richard has lost something else "I've lost my favorite sport: American football."

In the end, Richard confessed that he wants to stay in Argentina, because, in the three years he's been here, he has fallen in love with this country and its inhabitants.
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