Engleza, întrebare adresată de tacisrftggh, 9 ani în urmă

Traduce următoarele enunțuri in engleza ,după in franceza:
1.Tu te descurci cel mai bine la matematica .
2.Tu gătești cel mai bine .
3.Parintii tai a fost cei mai bogății oameni de pe pământ.
4.A mai rămas patru ore ,și pleci in Franța .
5.Andrei,Maria și Lory pleacă cu clasa într-o excursie în zona Brașovului .
6.Iulian face plăcinte franțuzești .
7.Ion nu știe să scrie ,și nici să citească .
8.Doamna a spus că îmi va da zece daca vin ,cu tema completă și cu justificari .​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iongamerul96

1.You do the best at math.

2.You cook best.

3.Your parents were the richest people on earth.

4.There's four hours left, and you're going to France.

5.Andrei, Maria and Lory go with the class on a trip to the Brasov area.

6.Julian makes French pies.

7.Ion doesn't know how to write, nor to read.

8.The lady said she would give me ten if I come, with the full theme and with 1.You do the best at math.

2.You cook best.

3.Your parents were the richest people on earth.

4.There's four hours left, and you're going to France.

5.Andrei, Maria and Lory go with the class on a trip to the Brasov area.

6.Julian makes French pies.

7.Ion doesn't know how to write, nor to read.

8.The lady said she would give me ten if I come, with the full theme and with justificationsYou do the best at math.

2.You cook best.

3.Your parents were the richest people on earth.

4.There's four hours left, and you're going to France.

5.Andrei, Maria and Lory go with the class on a trip to the Brasov area.

6.Julian makes French pies.

7.Ion doesn't know how to write, nor to read.

8.The lady said she would give me ten if I come, with the full theme and with

Traduit les instructions suivantes en anglais, après en Français :

1.Vous faites le meilleur en maths.

2.Vous cuisinez mieux.

3.Vos parents étaient les personnes les plus riches du monde.

4.Il reste quatre heures, et vous allez en France.

5.Andrei, Maria et Lory vont avec la classe sur un voyage à la région de Brasov.

6.Julian fait des tartes Français.

7.Ion ne sait pas écrire, ni lire.

8.La dame a dit qu’elle me donnerait dix si je viens, avec le thème complet et avec des justifications.

Răspuns de elenapatru38


1.You do best in math.

2. You cook the best.

3. Your parents were the richest people on earth.

4. There are four hours left, and you are leaving for France.

5. Andrei, Maria and Lory go with the class on a trip to the Brașov area.

6. Julian makes French pies.

7. Ion does not know how to write or read.

8. The lady said she would give me ten if I came, with the full theme and justifications.


1.Vous faites mieux en maths.

2. Vous trouvez le meilleur.

3. Vos parents étaient les personnes les plus riches de la terre.

4. Il reste quatre heures et vous partez pour la France.

5. Andrei, Maria et Lory accompagnent la classe en voyage dans la région de Brașov.

6. Julian fait des tartes françaises.

7. Ion ne sait ni écrire ni lire.

8. La dame a dit qu'elle m'en donnerait dix si je venais, avec le thème complet et les justifications.

tacisrftggh: mulțumesc !
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